Where is your focus?
Madeline Murphy
Have you ever been in a season where it all just feels intense? Where there are a lot of lists, meetings & events - all great things of course, but it seems that you have just lost sight? I know I have. Ministry is work, and sometimes I totally lose focus of why I do what I do.
Recently, I was in a season where I felt like I had lost the focus. Right in the middle of that season, as I was hanging out in the game room before Sunday service with the kids and I started talking to a little girl. The Holy Spirit told me to ask her a question that kind of confused me, but obedience, right? So I got down on my knees and looked at her and said “Sweetie, what would you do if you got to see Jesus?” Her whole countenance changed. Her eyes opened up really wide. And her voice became high pitched and a bit squeaky. “Ms. Madeline! I would run up to Him and give Him the biggest hug ever!” As she said that she closed her eyes and hugged herself so tightly. As if to imagine His face and feel Him hugging her back. Tears filled my eyes as she shared this with me, and as she spoke the Holy Spirit spoke too “This is why you do every single thing you do.”
So that kids get it. So that the face of Jesus is real & encountering Him is something each kid that walks through the church doors has the assurance of being able to do. Everything each of us does, week in and week out, even the mundane and little tasks - create an atmosphere where God can move. And beyond that, where kids can hear the gospel, where the seed of faith can take root in the hearts of children. Children who will grow up to be Pastors, missionaries, businessmen, inventors, writers and teachers, moms and dads. That is why you do every bit of what you do - so that the next generation is fully equipped to be followers of Jesus & leaders in the world.
No matter where you are in Ministry, what events you have coming up, what things on your to do list - our priority should always be Jesus. Sharing Jesus through our words & actions. Remembering to always fix our eyes on Him throughout our busy days - because the end “goal” is not to have everything on our to-do list crossed out, our goal is that just like the little girl in the game room, kids can know Jesus and love Him deeply.
So keep your eyes, heart and focus set on Him -- He’s got it!